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Beautifully useful

Once upon a time...

I broke Vlad’s favourite coffee cup. He got very upset. I didn’t know how to cheer him up. “Look how beautifully it broke…” - it didn’t really help. He refused to throw away what was left of it. I couldn’t find a similar one. Looking at the broken pieces, I started to imagine ways of giving them a new life.

“Beautifully useless” - I heard when my #microart was ready. Vlad laughed and finally got over it. Ever since that day, we don’t break cups, plates, or glasses. We simply microart. And when we don’t art anything for a too long time, I microart a cup myself.

And you? Have you microarted today? #Lookaround and if you find broken ceramics, make their story go on. Otherwise, throw them away mindfully or pass them to creative people around you.

Beautifully Useful

Material: cardboard, magazine stripes, glue, pieces of wood

Size: 0.0145m x 0.0100m x 0,0026m

Did you know that... 💡

Ceramics are biodegradable. They are made of clay and other earth materials, so when they eventually break down, they merge with the soil and make absolutely no harm. This makes them entirely eco-friendly. However, they usually do not break down for a long time. They can remain the exact way they are for years and often do when they are not correctly disposed of. They are estimated to stay sturdy for thousands of years unless they are disturbed or exposed to extreme weather conditions.*

Take-away 📚

Once the ceramics is broken, there is an option to #microart, glue them back together, throw them in the trash bin or recycle them.

Each time you throw ceramics in the trash bin, wrap them first and then throw them away.** This way you protect yourself and the others. Keep in mind that once you do it, ceramics end up in the landfill taking up a lot of space needed for other non-disposable items.

Recycling centres for ceramics are not always reachable. One of the reasons is that the majority of the local recycling centres don’t have the machines used to grind up ceramics, and the ones used to recycle basic materials are not strong enough to get the job done.* They can be however identified as centres that recycle construction materials or so-called “commercial recycling centres”. Just #lookaround and search for one in your vicinity.

Related topics to reflect on 🤔

  • The role of ceramics in food storage

  • Smart home methods to support the ceramics recycling process

Boot Camp

Material: broken cup, cardboards, magazine stripes

Size: 0.0126m x 0.00164m x 0.0028m

Gimmie a break

Material: broken cup, pieces of broken frame, cardboard, magazine stripe

Size: 0.0132m x 0.0135m x 0,0026m

No Title

Material: small broken ceramic lid, wood, cardboard

Size: 0.0094m x 0.0098m x 0.0032m

Inspired? 🤏 ♻️

Can't wait to #microart with us? Extract material or an object worth reminding us all about, create a #microstory around it, and send it via email. The stage of our art blog and social media is yours!

At the backstage:


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